2 research outputs found

    iBeacon Applications and Hybrid Wi-Fi Localization

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    Apple introduced iBeacon to the world in 2013. iBeacon allows you to do indoor geolocation and has essential features to application development. Since 2007, Wi-Fi localization has become the most popular indoor geolocation technology after used with iPhone. The purpose of this project was to develop an iBeacon application and use iBeacon’s signals to improve the accuracy of Wi-Fi’s localization. For the application, we developed an algorithm that allows us to count the number of people that are in a room and broadcast this information based on proximity. While the iBeacons are set up in place for this application, we also integrated it with Wi-Fi to improve the accuracy of Wi-Fi geolocation. We achieved this by developing a new algorithm called path-loss based nearest neighbor

    Trading System Development

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    The purpose of this IQP is to scientifically develop either a profitable automated trading system or a profitable manual trading system. To accomplish this, members of the group researched fundamental concepts and theories about trading and how to develop trading systems. The members then began to implement techniques and tools to develop the trading systems. Next, team members scientifically developed their own systems that an ordinary citizen could follow. The team performed back testing and analyzed the systems through historical data to see the previous performance. Members allocated funds into each different system through discussion of the team acting as a hedge fund. The team used data tools to recover the performance of different trading systems to give thorough analysis